The Season of Giving – Guest Blogger Edition

Mike Laverick started a Feed Forward movement months back to help those in IT get into presenting and sharing their experiences with the community. I blogged about it here, but it’s getting close to Christmas and with that in mind I wanted to give back to the community. During the month of December I will be featuring guest bloggers from all over. Some will be in the IT community others will be from other industries. My hope is to give these authors an opportunity to voice their opinions and share their knowledge on any number of topics.

I hope you all will welcome and read their posts and continue to follow them on their own sites and else where online.  I am so grateful for everyone who reads this site which is surprisingly growing each month.

Thanks and I hope you enjoy. If anyone would like to be a guest blogger in December please reach out to me either on this site or via twitter. @Mike_Colson