Veterans Day a day for Thanks

Veterans day was established after “The Great War”, WWI for those of you who don’t know it by that name. It was established to celebrate those who fought and those who gave their lives in services of their country. For the vast majority of my career I have supported the US government. I have worked with many fine young men and women in uniform and tons who have retired from service. In my family I am one of a handful that didn’t serve in the US Armed IMG_2045Services but I was raised by a Navy Chief and almost all of my uncles, my older brother and most of my male cousins were in some branch of the military.

Today is a day to celebrate the sacrifice that everyone who has ever worn a uniform has made. It is also the day to remember those that have fallen, and the families of everyone who has served.

For those that who want to support the men and women, and families that make these sacrifices, there are many organizations like Wounded Warrior, Homes for Our Troops, and the Purple Heart Foundation. For hiring managers I would recommend reaching out to the folks at Helmets to Hardhats which is a work placement organization for veterans.

Today thank a vet for their service, visit a VA center and listen to the stories of those there. Most who have put on the uniform have a pride in their country, and the simple words of “Thank you for your service” can be enough to put a smile on their face. This isn’t about tech today, today it’s about the people who give more than their share.

Thank you to all of our service people active duty and retired for all that you have done and all that you do.