All Posts in “VMworld2015”

Look out VMworld is a comin!

Excuse my grammar I have been binge watching Hell on Wheels.

With that out of the way, VMworld is right around the corner. With so many great sessions it can be hard to decided what to attend.  I figured I would list but a few that I have am excited for:

STO6548-GD – Group Discussion on Hyper-converged Infrastructure – listen to Jase McCarty and others discuss Hyper-converged. Should be entertaining and informative about how infrastructure is evolving.

MGT5318 – Becoming a vRealize Automagician: Why Automation isn’t Automatic – If for nothing else than the title is awesome, but you also get to listen to Steve Kaplan and Jad El-Zein amongst others talk about vRO and vRA integrations. This should help you get smart.

STO5133 – VMware Virtual SAN + HyTrust DataControl: Delivering Encryption Services for Data at Rest and in Motion – Another Jase McCarty session but this time focusing on VSAN and security. If you are running or thinking about running VSAN in an enterprise environment this needs to be a session you catch.

OPT5069 – Enterprise Hybrid Cloud – Federal Case Study – Ok this one is a little self-serving but this is the session I will be presenting along with Travis Howerton from Oak Ridge National Labs. If you are interested in how IT is evolving in the Federal environment and how hybridity helps to solve real IT problems then come and say hi.

INF5539 – Infrastructure Security Panel Discussion – This is one I normally try and catch looking at virtualization security and how that scales, Mike Foley, Greg Hatch, Steve Kaplan, and Davi Ottenheimer.

Don’t forget to use the Schedule Builder to map out your days, but leave some time for networking and socializing.

Aside from these I am looking forward to some of the evening events like the v0dgeball, the vBrisket party and the VMworld closing party at AT&T park. So say hi, stop by and let’s have a drink together and enjoy the fun and excitement that is VMworld.

swagOh and let me know you read the site and get yourself a VirtuallyMike zipper pull, cause who doesn’t like swag?



* Update: Here is the official list of VMworld activities and gatherings